We have
over 90 types of Appalachian Heirloom green bean seed for sale.
These seeds are not readily available through commerical
markets.Some are seeds saved in families from generaton to generaton.
Most have been traced back over 100 years. Lets keep
the heirloom green beans alive for future generations by planting and
enjoying the real delicious bean flavor. We have around 90 varieties of
heirloom pole beans. Packs will have APPROX 100 seed unless stated on
description.We have a few types which will be limited or rare
that will have less.There is no limit on number of packages
you may purchase. Prices are $7.00 per pkt. Shipping is
$7.00 total
for as many pkts as you order.Bean seed will
keep for several years in the freezer. We
ship to 48 US
states only. Images of our beans and other vegetables can be
seen by clicking here
. We
do not sell hybrids or GMO's. If you cannot print order form write your
info on paper and mail.
Order your seed now while they are
available for your 2025 garden season. Bean seed will keep for several
years in the freezer.
do not have a shopping cart.
Wrights Daylily Garden
1001 Terrapin Ridge Road
Hilham, TN 38568
- Small pods 4" long. Vines up to 7'. They make up for size by
producing huge volume of beans.Seed per pod 4-9.Seed are cream with
light brown or tan motting.Seed could vary in size.Can be used as snap
bean or shuck bean.Theodore was one of the more promonate heirloom bean
seed savers. Pkt.
will contain 100 or more seed.
North Carolina Long -
Bean from North Carolina. White seeded.Wonderfully flavorful variety of
bean, rare, prodigious bearers, and a rewarding crop all around. Pods 5
1/2" , 9 seeds per pod, vines 8'- 9'. Pkt. will contain 100 or more seed.
Myers Family Cornfield - Pods
5" to 6" and vines reaching 6' tall. From northeastern Tennessee. There
are many prominant Myers familes in the Smoky Mountain area. This is a
very productive Appalachian type bean and you will love it. Pkt. will contain 100 or more seed.
- Small brown cut short seeded, pole type bean, pods 3 1/2" to 4"
turning reddish as they mature, very productive. From Letcher
County, Kentucky. Vines 7' to 8'. Pkt.
will contain 100 or more seed.
White Pod - Seed white. Vines 6' to 8'. Bean tender and very
productive. Pods 5" and more. Originally from Jackson County Kentucky. Pkt. will contain 100 or more seed.
White Half - Runner
= We cannot say enough about this half-runner it is one of the best.
Round tender pods that average just over four inches in length and make
great snaps. Can be planted without support but will do much better
support. You will be glad you tried this great bean.
60 days. Volunteer White Half Runner shows some resistant to rust, and
strains of virus which sometimes attack other White Half Runner
strains. Tested in the early 90's by University of TN and found to be
the case. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= A white seeded bean . Pods 6" with 8 seed per pod. Vines 6'-7'. These
beans were often sold by school kids to raise money back in the day. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Poor Man's Cutshort =
Brown seeded strips and spots 4 1/2" pods 8 seed per pod. Vines 6' -
7'. A bean that is very prolific and excellent tasting. This
is a small seeded type bean. Easy to shell and string. SSE #
2609. Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Stick Bean
= First to bear in our garden and had a sweet taste. We love this
small brown seeded bean about 4”-4 1/2” pods. Easy to pick as the vines
grow 5 1/2' - 6' tall. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Early Greasy = White seeded greasy. Pods 4" to 5" bears heavy 7
seeds to the pod. Vines reach 6' to 7'. Matures in about 60 to 70 days.
Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
German = Huge brown seeds. Pods 6" to 6 1/2''. Full rich bean
flavor. 7 seeds to the pod. Vines reach 7' to 8'. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Green Hull
= This is a white seeded greasy type bean. Very good producer and tasty
green bean. Gets it name by having a light yellowish green hull. Pods
have 7-8 seed 4 1/2" to 5" long. Vines grow 7 to 8 foot high. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= This is a white greasy cut-short 5” or 6” pods. This bean
is a high producer bearing till frost in our garden. Grows 7' to 8'
tall. Good greasy bean flavor. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Grits = Greasy type bean. Small seeded white seed with 8
seed per pod.Good yeild, Pods 4" to 4 1/2" Vines 7' to 8'. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= Great small type bean with cream colored and brown molted seed, 8 per
pod. Vines 6' to 7'. Heavy bearing good flavor.The name says it all. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= Seed brown with stripe. Pods 7" with 9 seed per pod.Vines 7' to 8'. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Golden Hull Cornfield
= Tan with brown striped seed.Pods 6 1/2" with 6-8 seed per pod. Vines
7' to 8'. Very unusual color pods greenish yellow when ready to pick.A
great tasting bean. Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Smith Brown = Light brown seed 6 - 8 per pod. Pods 4" to 4
1/2". Vines 7' to 8'. Very rich beany flavor. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= Distinctive dark green pods streaked with purple grow up to
long. Light buff seeds splashed with dark brown, resembling a
rattlesnake’s coloration. Very fine flavor. Vines grow vigorously
to 10'. Good resistance to drought. Pole habit, snap, 60-90 days.
Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Mayflower =
Said to have been
brought to North America on the Mayflower
Ann Hutchinson in 1620, followed by a long history of being circulated
in the Carolinas. This productive cutshort type has short pods packed
with small square seeds. White seeds blotched with rose. Young string
beans are prized for delicious flavor. Also excellent as a dry
bean. This is a small type bean. 100 days.
Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Duran Striped Half - Runner
Vines bear heavily and
continuously until frost. Pods 6" long pods 7-8 seeds per pod with
distinctive cream with brown striped seeds. 75-80 days. Delicious
have a very fine string and are easy to snap if you
hate snapping or shelling . Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= McCaslin Pole Bean: ( 65 Days ) Heirloom Medium
pods reach eight inches long and are meaty, slightly flattened and of
superb quality. One of the oldest heirloom varieties and a old Southern
favorite introduced in 1912 by the McCaslan family of Georgia.
The vines produce prolifically throughout the growing season. Great dry
or as a snap bean. Seeds are ivory-white, oblong and flat. (TREATED SEED) Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Tobacco Worm Bean
= Light brown seed. Tender and rich bean taste. 4” - 5”
pods. Vines 7' – 8' tall. Except for color of seeds very similar to
white tobacco worm bean. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Joe Clark =
Also called Red Peanut. Bean is pink. It has a pea-nutty taste.
It's good for both snap and dried and they are good for canning. and
it's a half runner. A small trellis is a good idea for more
production. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Mountain Cornfield Bean =
White cornfield bean from KY. 5” pods in our garden. Is similar
to the Tobacco Worm bean in taste which most people love including
us. Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Wonder Pole
= Brown seeded. Vigorous 5-7' plants yield clusters of 7-10"
pods. Great flavor, an all-time favorite. Pole habit, snap, 58-64 days.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Half Runner = Eaten fresh or shelled as
dried beans. State half runners thrive
under difficult conditions, producing a prolific crop of 4 to 5 inch
long pods full of old fashioned flavor.White seed, Matures in 52 days.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
White Half Runner
= This is a tender half runner bean with succulent white seeds.
It boasts terrific yields of old-fashioned, rich "beany" beans that
taste and smell terrific. Pods 4 ½ to 5”. 56 days to maturity.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Tennessee Brown Bean =
producer, brown seeded pole 5” to 6” pods. Vigorous vines 8' to 9'.
Popular bean in the Cumberland Mountains of TN. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Cherokee Trail Of
Tears = The
Cherokee Indians carried the beans over the infamous "Trail of Tears"
in the winter of 1838 from the Smoky Mountains to Oklahoma.The vines
reach about eight feet producing six inch green pods with purple
shading. The seeds are a shiny, jet-black color. They can
be used when young and tender as green snap beans or left to mature for
dry beans.
Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= Vines, flowers mature
pod's are violet
colored, Seed are a light tan color.
Cherokee dating to the 1830's, Taken over the trail of tears from
Georgia to Oklahoma then to California 1930's. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Ora's Speckled
= Brown speckled greasy bean. Pods 4 1/2 " with 8
seed per pod, vines 7' = 8' . Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Time Golden Stick
= Productive plants. Early maturity. Old varity,
short fat
pod with golden tan colored seed. From 100 year old lady in Fentress
County TN via Don King 70 year old farmer who still plows his hillside
farm with mules. Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= From Dr. Nathan Moore has been in his family 4 or
generations. Large buff seed,very productive.
Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= Tick bean, Old-Time Brown Stick, Leer Bean, short
slightly curved pods, excellent flavor, good canning type or shell bean
at dry stage. Off gray tan colored seed once common to farmers in
Smoky Mountains. Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Goose =
A long bean well filled out elongated dark red seeds, green
take on a pinkish hue at maturity. From Frank Paschal, Jefferson Co.
TN. A well known farmer in that area, highly regarded as the best
produce farmer in that area. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Cove Stick Bean
= Greasy cut-short type pods 4" with 7 to 8 seeds per pod. One of
best tasting beans you will find. Seeds are light tan with dark
molting. From Dorthy Sharp grown in Cades Cove area of Great Smoky
Mountains since the 1800's. We have raised 2 crops of this bean in 1
year from same seed. Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Horn = Small tan with black striped
seed. It is a 1/2 runner only growing 3ft in height . Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Black Appalachian Bean
= Bean
collected from the Nichols family of Pickens SC. Pods 6"-7". This is a
very heavy producer of black seed similar to the famous Trail Of Tears
bean. They can
be used when young and tender as green snap beans or left to mature for
dry beans.
Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= Redish markings on 5" pods. 8 seed to pod and vines reach
8' to 9'. Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Pole = Seed are white. Vines 7' - 8' with 4" pods
and 7 to 8 seeds per pod. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= 70 days. A colorful, tasty, southern
Colorful purplish stems and purple tint to the leaves. Tasty, purple
streaked green pods. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Greasy Cut-Short = Pick by the hand full. Brown speckled seed 4"
- 5". High yielding cut short, greasy type bean. Vines 6' - 7' . Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Family =
This is a light golden brown seeded cornfield bean. Grown in Overtion
County TN by the first settlers of middle TN. Pods are 4" - 4 1/2".
Vines growing 5 1/2' - 6' tall. Pkt. will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= For white bean lovers
this is a great producer. Pods round and 5 1/2" long
with 9 white seeds per pod Vines 8' to 9' . Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Frank Barnett Cut Short
A deep beige bean. These are from Kentucky and are
delicious. Pods are 5"
with 8 seeds per pod. Vines are 8' to 9'. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Cornfield Cut-Short = A great producer. Pods 3 1/2" with 7
to 8 seeds per pod. Vines 7' 8' . Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Pole Bean = Large dark brown seed. Vines grow 7' to
8' with 7" pods.
From Buster family in KY. If you like large beans with a
rich bean flavor you will like these. SOLD OUT
Carolina Red Stick
= Slightly curved pods with a hint of pink at
large red elongated seeds are kidney shaped, a favorite with all who
have grown them, grown by a South Carolina family since 1830. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Bible = Gray tan with orange eye rings
round and shiney,85-95 days. Vines to 8' with huge seed. Great heirloom
traced to 1932 in KY. Rare and extra tasty.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Miller =
8 1/2" with 9 seed per pod. Seed are extra large and brown in color.
Vines reach 8' to 10' tall. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Valentine Pole =
This pole bean seed is red with green 6" pods . 7 seed per pod . Vines
7' to 8'. Very
popular at farmers markets in TN.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
Late Greasy = White seeded. A very nice greasy with pods 7 ½ “
long.9 seed per pod.Vines 7' to 8'.Pkt.
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
= Round pods 4” in length. Tan brown mottled seed
per pod. Vines 4' to 5'.
We would call this a type of half-runner. Similar in habit to Old Joe
will contain Approx. 100 seed.
plants set 3-5 tasty, light-green seeds per
pod that are perfect for cooking, freezing or
canning.. 75 DAYS.
See more at:
plants set 3-5 tasty, light-green seeds per
pod that are perfect for cooking, freezing or
canning.. 75 DAYS.
See more at:
$7.00 Per PKT.
Brown Greasy
= Brown speckled greasy type bean. Pods 4" long with 6 - 7 seed per
Comes to us from KY and has the great greasy bean taste. We believe you
will love this one. Great producer. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 50 seed
Giant =
Large and highly productive bean. Seeds are brown with white
frosting color. Good for fresh snap and also good to dry. Pods 5 1/2”-
6” long. Can grow quite tall if given a high trellis. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 50 seed
Back = White seeded 5"
pods 8-9 seeds per pod. Vines 8' a greasy
cut short bean. This bean commands high prices at farmers markets. Limited supply of this rare bean.
will contain Approx. 50 seed
= This bean comes from West Virginia. Case Knife is another
excellant tasting brown cornfield bean. Very populor in Tennessee and
Kentucky. Limited supply of this rare bean. Pkt.
will contain 50 or more sseed.
- White seeded soup bean not a snap bean.Vines up to 7'.Pods 5" with 5
to 6 seed per pod. Said to have been used by slaves of Thomas Jefferson
to make soup.Recipe can be found on the internet by searching. Produced
really well in our garden.Limited supply of this rare bean. Pkt.
will contain 50 or more seed.
= Vines bear heavily and
continuously until frost. Pods 5-6" long pods 7-8 seeds per pod with
shiny white seeds. 75-80 days. Delicious and
have a very fine string and are easy to snap if you
hate snapping or shelling .Pkt.
will contain 50 or more seed.
Ribbon - A beautiful red seeded bean. Pods 6" long.VINES 6'TO
8'. Came from a farmer in Maryville Tennessee near the Smoky Mountains. Limited supply of this rare bean. Pkt will contain 50 or more seed.
is a beautiful long podded white
seeded pole bean.Tender bean bears heavy in our garden over a long
period of time.Pods 8''- 9” vines 8 to 9 ft. Dade is similar to the
White McCaslin bean. Limited supply of this rare bean. Pkt will contain 50 or more seed.
Good Mother Stallard
= Fall type bean. Maroon
beans splashed with white, Wonderful rich meaty
flavor, great for soups. Very productive. Generations of gardeners have grown this outstandingly productive pole variety that yields 5-6 beans per pod. Pole habit, dry, 85-95 days. Limited supply of this rare bean. Sold Out
Wonder = For
snaps thick round/oval med-green slightly curved fleshy 6-8 in.
pods. 60-75 days. Stringless when young, prolific sure cropper. Limited supply of this rare bean. Pkt will contain 50 or more seed.
Red Speckled Fall Bean
= Pods 4 1/2" long 7 seed per pod. Very common in southern Kentucky,
this bean is a great dry bean. Pole type growing to 6-8' tall vines,
average production, very pretty white and burgundy seed. Limited
supply of this bean. Pkt. will contain 50 or more seed.
White Creaseback = This white seeded bean is very tender and bears well. Rare and hard to find. Pods 6 1/2" 9 seed per pod. Vines 7' to 8' . Limited supply of this rare bean Pkt. will contain 50 or more seed.
Greasy - Larger than most greasy beans. Seed white pods 5" or
more. Vines 6' to 7'. This bean is very productive.From Tennessee. Limited
supply of this bean. Pkt. will contain 50 or more seed.
Poded Pole
= Discovered by Henry Fields in an Ozark garden in
1930s. Plants climb vigorously to 6' and are extremely productive. High
quality, meaty, st 5"-7" reddish-purple pods that blanch to
light green. Pole habit, snap, 68 days Limited
supply of this bean. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 50 seed.
Virginia = Huge
pods 8" long.Vines 7' to 8'. Seed very unusual shape dark tan large and
long. Seed 6 to 8 per pod.Use as snap bean or dried bean.Good bean
flavor. Limited supply of
this bean. Pkt.
will contain 50 or more seed.
Tennessee Pole - Seed Cream with light brown motting and unusual
shape.Pods 7" long.Vines 7' to 8'. Sold Out
= This bean bears well good for canning,freezing and as a
snap bean. Brown and striped seed about 5 1/2 to 6" long.Reaches a
height of 6' to 7' . Grown in Overton Co. TN by Bilbrey and Wright
families for over 60 years. Limited supply of
this rare bean . Pkt. will
contain 50 or more seed.
Mountain = Large oblong beige seed,
long pods, very high yield. Limited supply of
this bean. Pkt. will contain
50 or more seed.
= This bean is a unique extra large flat type bean with white seed.
Pods 7" and vines grow 8' or more. Pods a
very pale greenish yellow.
Limited supply of
this bean. Pkt. will contain
50 or more seed.
= Pods 6 1/2" lond pods with 7 medium to large
seed. From
Ralph Newcomb, Hardin Valley a farming area near Knoxville, TN. Limited supply of
this bean. Pkt. will contain
50 or more seed.
Morse -
Large pods 7" to 8". Vines 8'tall.Seed are white and kidney shaped 5 to
9 seed per pod.Strong climer.Good snap bean when young but should be
used as shell bean when full .Was likely developed by Ferry Morse
seed company around 1936. Limited supply of this rare bean. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 50 seed.
Cornfield Bean
= Brown seeded. Raised in the Cumberland Mountains of TN for many
years. Vines 5 to 7 ft. high. Beany flavor. This is a greasy cut short.
Limited supply of this rare bean. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 50 seed.
Head =
Some of the older folks call this bean (Quail Head) or (Paterge Head)
way this is one of the most popular beans around the Cumberland
Mountains of middle TN . Small type bean about 6' tall vines. Pods 5”-
5 1/2”. Seeds brown streaks that resemble a Quail head. Great
taste. Limited supply of this rare bean. Pkt.
will contain Approx. 50 seed.
October Bush Bean =
Beans are semi-runner type in growth habit with fourteen to
eighteen inch long runners.October bush beans are rounded and
light-colored with purplish-red streaks, dots and blotches.Pods 5" to
6". An excellent dry bean for use in soups and chili,They are good
early as a snap bean but generally used as green shell beans. Pods are
not stringless.Bears large crops. (TREATED)
approx. 100 seed $7.00 per pack
Strike Bush Bean =
Strike beans can be harvested as soon as fifty days after being
planted. This variety grows in the shape of a bush, and therefore does
not need a pole or support.Stringless, smooth beans average 5-6" in
length, and are medium green in color. Strike sets the standard for
earliness, appearance and ease of picking, and has a pleasing sweet
beany taste. approx. 100 seed $7.00 per pack
Blue Lake 274 Bush Bean
= The bush bean Blue Lake 274 is an old time favorite with
reliability, great flavor, large yields and disease resistance. The
bean was developed in 1961 from the Pole Blue Lake variety. The
recommended spacing between seeds is 4-6 inches.This variety matures in
50 to 60 days.Blue Lake 274 produces a very large crop with excellent
flavor.Stringless when picked young.They are known for retaining this
flavor and texture when they are canned or frozen. They are
self-supporting and don't need to be staked. approx. 100 seed $7.00 per pack
Harvester Bush Bean
= Tender six-inch pods are held high off the ground on this
hardy bush bean plant. Ready in just 55 days, they're stringless,
tender, and very easy to grow. Resistant to most bean
diseases.Germination: 5-8 days at 70F.Plant seeds 1" deep. Space 3"
apart, with 18-24" between rows.Harvester Bush Bean plants are hardy
and upright, producing 6-inch pods that are set high on the plant. The
pods are smooth and tender and easy to pick since they are high off the
ground. approx. 100 seed $7.00 per pack
Tendergreen Bush
= Tendergreen produces a strong and erect bush that will reach
about 18-24 inches. Pods are meaty, round beans very tender; also
stringless & delicious.53 days to harvest.Heirloom seed have stood
the test of time.Harvest beans while they are young and stringless.Heat
tolerant, disease resistant and can grow in just about all parts of the
country as they have a fairly short growing season. approx. 100 seed $7.00 per pack
Contender Bush Bean = A stringless favorite.Large beige seeded tender bush bean. Produces a
classic curved bush bean about 6 inches in length. Beans
start producing about a week before most other varieties. Bean pods
grow up to 8″ long but are best eaten early when they are 5″ and
stringless.Why is this bean called 'Contender'? Because it vies for the
number one spot among beans! And rightly it should; a stringless
favorite since 1949, it produces after only 50 days from sowing, and
tolerates heat and powdery mildew where other varieties suffer. Disease
resistant. approx. 100 seed $7.00 per pack
Slenderette =
Excellent white seeded, gourmet bean that is highly
desirable.Slenderette Bush Beans 5 inch pods are slender, stringless
and glossy, dark green in color. These bush beans are high yielders and
resistant to common bean mosaic, pod mottle and curly top virus. approx. 100 seed $7.00 per pack
Crowder Peas
150 seed pkt. $7.00 and should plant aprox. 25 foot row.
Brown Crowder = 65-70
days for fresh shell stage, 85-90 days for dry stage. Seeds at maturity
are very tightly packed in the pod. 15-18”H bush produces prolific pods
that contain 12-15 fine-flavored peas. Lavender flower color.Great
southern dish. Sometimes called cowpeas . You will love the flavor.150 seed pkt.
Crowder =
60-65 days. Heavy yielding, Known as “Knuckle Hull” because of the big,
plump peas! Low bushy plant with 6-9”Long pods scattered at foliage
level. Pods turn reddish to purple with large seeds that turn brown
when dry. Purple flower.
Excellent dried and as a canning variety. You will love the flavor.150 seed pkt.
Blackeye =
55-60 days. Classic Southern Pea. Heavy yielder. Typical blackeye type
of Southern pea with cream-colored seed coats and black pigments around
the eyes. 6-8”Long pods are above foliage. Great fresh, frozen
or canned. Resistant: Fusarium Wilt, Nematodes. 150 seed pkt.
Small Type
Red Cherry
= A very old type, tried and true.Extremely
plants yeild large 1 1/2 - 2" cherry tomatoes. Great full flavor. Can
be canned whole. A favorite for salads and freash eating. 75 - 80
50 seeds per pack
Tommy Toe
vigorous plants yeild hundreds of large red cherry tomatoes throughout
the season. The superb flavor won it top billing over 100 other
varieties in a taste contest . 70 days from transplant.
Yellow Pear
= First grown in the late 1800’s. Delicious in salads or pickled. Low
acid indeterminate. Yellow pear shape. 78 days (1"- 2”, 3/4-1 oz.
fruit) 50 seeds per pack = $3.50
Red Pear = Pear-shaped
tomatoes with superb tangy flavor for salads and vegetable platters.
The uniform, crack resistant fruit is produced all summer on productive
vines that need to be staked. Try growing this together with Yellow
Pear. Indeterminate 50 seeds per pkt = $3.50
Banana Legs
= This novelty
is similar in shape and color to a small banana. Very prolific, low
acid taste, meaty and averaging 1½ inches in diameter by 4
inches in length. Delicious sliced into salads.
50 seeds per pkt =

Large Type
Mortage Lifter
days. Large, smooth, 1-lb. pink fruit have a delicious, rich, sweet
taste. This variety has become very popular in recent years, after
being developed by M.C. Byles of Logan, West Virginia. After crossing
varieties for 6 years and selecting the best, he introduced this beauty
that he named Mortgage Lifter in the 1940’s after he sold plants for $1
each and paid off the $6,000 mortgage on his house. 50 seeds per pack =
Beefsteak =
Plant produces good yields
of extremely large 2 lb yellow beefsteak tomatoes. They are solid,
juicy, and meaty. Perfect for sandwiches, salads, and slicing. 50 seeds =
80-90 days. Very large 1-2 lb fruits are deep pink, very
flavorful and nearly crack-free. The plants are very productive; the
superb quality fruits are great for farmers’ markets or home gardens.
Delicious. 50 seeds per pack =
Abe Lincoln
= Extraordinary large fruited tomato that thrives in
the southern states. Fruits are large and deep red with no cracks or
seams. They are sweet and solid with very few seeds. 85 days.(2-3 lb.
fruit not uncommon) 50 seeds
per pack = $3.50
Cherokee Purple
= Slicer type heirloom. Dusky pink-purple with darker shoulders. Mild
flavor. 80 days. (6-12 oz.) 50
seeds per pack = $3.50
Mr. Stripey
= Large, yellow fruit with pinkish-red stripes. Ridged at shoulders.
Mild, low acid. An old-time favorite. 80 days. (1-2 lbs.) 50
seeds per pack = $3.50
Paul Robeson
= Another outstanding black tomato with unbelievably rich flavor. This
is an old Russian variety that was renamed in honor of a great civil
rights activist. It will be your best producer early in the season and
during cool summers. 80 days. (7-10 oz. fruit) 50
seeds per pack = $3.50
Rutgers =
Popular old favorite with smooth, firm, globe-shaped fruits.
Indeterminate plants with good cover. 82 days. (4-6 oz.) 50
seeds per pack = $3.50
Roma VFN =
An old-time plum type tomato on a compact plant. These fruits are crack
resistant and widely used for tomato paste, canning and juicing.
Resists Verticillium and Fusarium Wilt. 80 days. (3 oz.) 50
seeds per pack = $3.50
Beefsteak = Produces huge, delicious, ribbed
fruit on vigorous vines. Indeterminate. 96 days.This tomato's excellent taste and meaty flesh
make it an ideal tomato for eating fresh or cooking, for slicing into
sandwiches, using in salads or for canning! 50 seeds per pkt =$3.50
Homestead = Especially recommended for
Southern gardeners, this variety sets large crops even in hot weather.
Luscious, meaty tomatoes are medium-sized, smooth, and resistant to
cracking. Large vines offer good foliage cover 80 days. 50 seeds per pkt = $3.50
Marglobe = Marglobe Tomatoes are a disease and
crack resistant heirloom variety which are a good producer of 7 to 10
ounce deep red juicy fruits. Superb tasting fruit. Marglobe tomato can
claim parentage of many of today's hybrid tomatoes. 50 seeds per pkt = $3.50
(1-2 lbs.) 80 - 85 days.
A huge,
bi-color heirloom: brilliant yellow color with red marbling. Very large
with a rich, sweet flavor. Beautiful when sliced. An heirloom from West
Virginia. Heavy producer.Absolutely gorgeous bicolor beefsteak tomato,
great for slicing. Sweet and juicy. Heavy producer.
Golden Jubille
First introduced in 1943 as an
All-America Selection, Jubilee bears large tomatoes with very meaty,
thick-walled interiors and mild flavor. The globe-shaped, golden-orange
fruit is similar to Sunray. Has meaty, thick walls and few seeds. High
yielding. 50 seeds per
pkt = $3.50
Banana Pepper = Heirloom.
An AAS Bronze Medal winner for 1941 and still extremely
Large, pointed fruits measure 6-7" long and 1½" across. The mild yellow
peppers ultimately turn brilliant red. A favorite for pickling. 50 seeds per pack =
Banana Pepper = Profuse bearer of 6-inch-long,
mildly hot peppers. Excellent for pickling, frying, or roasting. Just
hot enough to provide a little bite without scaring away the milder
palates in the family. Produce well even in hot weather. Fruit matures
from light yellow to orange to red. 50 seeds per pack =
Hot Jalapeno Pepper
green, medium-hot, thick-walled peppers 3" long, 1" wide, with rounded
tips. Matures to dark red. 50 seeds per pack =
California Wonder Sweet Green
Pepper =
The standard bell pepper for many decades, this 1928 introduction is
still the largest open-pollinated, heirloom bell you can grow, and a
big improvement over the earlier bells. A perfect stuffing pepper 4" x
3 1/2", thick-walled, tender and flavorful.
50 seeds per pack =
Carolina Reaper =
The hotest of the hot pepper . Guinness Book Of World Records has
documented the heat level at 1,569,000 scoville units. It has a cherry
under tone with a hint of citrus.
Carolina reaper is a serious scorcher! For those extreme pepper eaters,
Carolina reaper is a must-- for those less adventurous, they make a
great conversation piece in the garden.120 days
Place seed trays in a propagator at a temperature of 18-25C (64-77F)
until germination, which usually takes 7-30 days. Once germinated,
chillies can be moved to a warm, sunny windowsill or a heated
greenhouse. Keep the compost evenly moist but take care not to let it
get soaking wet.The hotter a pepper variety is, the longer they seem to
take to germinate.Carolina Reaper Pepper seeds are slow germinating.
Please be patience to grow it.
20 seed per pack = $6.00
Red Russian Kale
are purple; leaves are flat, toothed, and dark green with purple veins.
The plants mature medium-tall and leaves are tender compared to other
kales. For salads and light cooking.The purple colors become richer
after frost, when the flavor becomes sweeter. 60+ Days to harvest.Pkt. $3.50 1 tsp. Aprox. 2,500
Vates Blue Curled Kale
curled blue green kale.The standard variety for Southern gardens. Slow
to bolt, does not yellow from heat or frost. Light frost improves
tenderness. It's easy to grow and will produce spring through fall.
Very cold hardy and can overwinter until spring—with winter
protection.55 days.Pkt. $3.50
1 tsp. Aprox. 2,500 seed.
Southern Giant Curled Mustard
upright plants with frilled leaves that have a delicious mustard taste;
slow to bolt and very easy to grow. An old heirloom from the Southern
U.S. and makes a mighty swell mess of greens. Southern Giant has an
excellent flavor and is full of vitamins A, B, and C! Slow to bolt.
Superior cold tolerance.45 days.Pkt. $3.50 1 tsp. Aprox. 2,500
Giant Red Mustard
small, the lovely burgundy colored leaves with light green veins are so
mild and delicious they can be eaten in salads. In summer, big leaves
pack a proper mustard punch but they are much milder when cooked or
when grown in cooler weather. Very winter-hardy, Giant Red mustard
seeds can be planted into October or in early spring to harvest as
small leaves every few days. This variety makes excellent microgreens
that are ready to harvest just two weeks after sowing. As baby leaf
greens, they are not spicy, but still impart a distinctive flavor to
salad mixes. It is very slow to bolt. Matures in 45 days.
$3.50 1 tsp. Aprox. 2,500 seed.
Vates Collards
make super healthy and delicious cooked greens. Uniform, compact growth
habit, with non-heading and slow-bolting plants. Their mild cabbage
flavor makes these ideal for boiling, and they're good for canning and
freezing as well. The large blue-green leaves are ready in 75 days, and
are also frost-resistant.Pkt.
$3.50 1 tsp. Aprox. 2,500 seed.
Seven Top Turnips
variety does not develop an edible root and instead puts all its energy
into its lush leaves.The Seven Top Turnip is a delicious and nutritious
turnip green that can be used in salads, or simply steamed.
"Seven Top" provides you with a
bounty of dark-green leaves about 40 days after the seeds sprout.Pkt. $3.50 1 tsp. Aprox. 2,500
Waltham Butternut Squash
Straight necked fruits grow to 3-6 pounds
Dry, yellow-orange flesh with nutty flavor.
High yielding vines
One of the most popular types of baking squash
Exceptional keeper
Winter squash
83-100 days
Pkt.20 seed $3.50
Early White Bush Scallop Squash
a delicate, mild flavor, much akin to zucchini, the patty pan squash,
also referred to as the scallop squash, is a small variety of summer
squash.You can prepare patty pans just as you would any squash. They
can be sliced, diced, braised, grilled, fried, roasted or stuffed.
55-60 days SOLDS OUT
Prolific Straightneck Squash
= Very popular early yellow
straightneck. The fruits taper
towards the stem end and are a nice lemon yellow color. Bush-type
50 seeds per pack =
Black Beauty Zucchini = This popular, and very
productive home garden and shipping squash variety matures in 50-60
days. Black beauty grows on semi-upright plants. Glossy black-green
fruits average 6-8" long and 2" in diameter and are best when harvested
young.Tender flesh is firm
creamy-white and has a fine flavor. Great eating! Average: 56 days
50 seeds per pack =
Georga Candy
Roaster Squash
= These squash are very popular in the mountains . Similar
in shape to Banana squash but much larger and sweeter reaching up to 60
pounds but probably average 25 pound. Takes about 110 days to mature.
The mountain folks roasted these for pies and other baking. Pies
similar in apperance to pumpkin but sweeter and do not require adding
spices. Vines spread to 25' so allow plenty of room. You will love
15 seeds per
pack = $5.00
OKRA = 55 days. Plant produces
high yields of 14" long green okra. The large pods remain spineless and
tender up to 10" long, but are best when the pods are picked at 6"
long. Excellent for making gumbo. This heirloom variety dates back to
pre-Civil War. Plant Height: 8 ft tall. 50
seeds per pack = $3.50
Clemson Spineless Okra = All American Award winner and a
delicious addition to soups, stews and gumbo. Harvest the pods when
they are about 3" long and still tender.The plant will produce until
damaged by cold weather.
50 seeds per pack =
Straight Eight
Cucumber = Smooth straight cylindrical and deep green
with rounded blunt ends. Early, prolific, vigirous,excellent quality.
52-57 days.
50 seeds per pack = $3.50
Heirloom Pickling Cucumber
= Heirloom Pickling Cucumbers are just that!
They are a pickling cucumber with a solid, crisp interior and superb
flavor. Best picked from 1.5 - 6" in length. This is a vigorous plant
that can be grown on a trellis. 50 seeds per pack =
Sugar Baby Watermelon
85 days. Ideal size for the refrigerator, 8-in. across and 6-10
lbs. Bright red-orange flesh is firm, fine-grained and super sweet.
20 seeds per pack = $3.50
Crimson Sweet
Watermelon =
Quality and reliability make this an excellent variety for
gardeners and growers alike. A classic, oblong, 10x12” striped melon.
Weighs in at 15-25 lbs with bright red, juicy sweet flesh. Days to
maturity: 85 days 20 seeds per pack =
Charleston Gray
Watermelon =
Fruits are large, 28-35 lbs.,
cylindrical-shaped, 24 in. long by 10 in. across. Flesh is Red, crisp,
fiberless and delicious; skin is light greenish gray. Harvest in 85 days. 20 seeds per pack =
Tennessee Sweet Potato Squash /
= An old, hardy type that grows well even in
rather poor
conditions and produces an abundance of medium-large,
round-to-bell-shaped, tan fruit with moist orange flesh that is said to
resemble that of the sweet potato, hence the name. Sweet, good quality,
and it keeps very well. The fruit are pear-shaped with creamy, white
color skin that is striped in faint green. It is an excellent keeper;
if stored properly it can last over six months. The flesh is light
colored, fine grained, very dry and resembles sweet potatoes in flavor.
Makes an excellent pie. Fruit average ten to twenty pounds in weight.
Very Rare. 15 seeds per
pack = $5.00
Quote by (W. Atlee Burpee in 1883) about the above
"Grows to medium size, pear-shaped, a little ribbed, color creamy
white, sometimes lightly striped with green, flesh thick, creamy white,
remarkably fine grained, dry and brittle, and of most excellent flavor.
Hardy, very productive, and keeps perfectly sound until late in the
spring, longer than any other pumpkin. It speedily becomes a general
favorite wherever it has been introduced. Has no equal for making pies
and custards. When cooked it has somewhat the appearance of sweet
potatoes, but of more delicious taste. It proves very distinct and
fixed, and is a valuable acquisition. This variety we recommend as
being superior to any other variety of pumpkin for cooking purposes in
cultivation. Its attractive appearance makes it a specially valuable
kind for the market gardener. Our stock of this variety is grown with
special care, and cannot fail to give satisfaction to our patrons, but
the seed being very scarce, we can sell it only in packets. Do not
confound the Tennessee Sweet Potato Pumpkin with any other so-called
Sweet Potato Pumpkin.
Green Striped Cushaw Squash
( Tater Pumpkin )
White fruit with green stripes.
Oblong shape with crooked necks. The large vines are vigorous.Expect
heavy yields of 15 lb crookneck fruit. Resistance to squash vine
borers.Days to harvest 90. Good for pies. 20 seeds per pack = $3.50
Jack O’
Lantern Pumpkin = Great
for Halloween carving and cooking. Pumpkins are medium sized, round to
elongated in shape. Sun: Full Sun Height:
inches Spread: 6 feet Days to Maturity: 110 days 20 seeds per pack = $3.50
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